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🎉 Team Narayanan Achieves Requirements for IM Title!

Tim R

Pending a standard final title review by FIDE, Samrug (Sammy) Narayanan will become the 5th Minnesota-grown player to receive the coveted International Master (IM) Title. Sammy scored 5.5/9.0 points in a super tough GM/IM invitational at the historic Marshall Chess Club in New York City over Labor Day Weekend. This represented Sammy's 3rd IM Norm which is then paired with his 2400+ FIDE rating to meet the requirements for earning an IM title.

Sammy will join Sean Nagle, John Bartholomew, Andrew Tang & Alice Lee as one of only five Minnesota-grown chess players to ever earn the IM Title.

The headline of this news article recognizes this was a "Team Narayanan" accomplishment as Sammy's parents and brother have been an integral part of his chess journey. Obviously Sammy put in the study and provided the winning chess, but his family is also recognized for their incredible support throughout the long and challenging IM norm accumulation process.

Congratulations to Sammy & Team Narayanan! The Minnesota Chess Community celebrates your accomplishment!

Samrug defeated IM Levy Rozman in round 6.

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