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About Us 💬

The Minnesota State Chess Association (MSCA) is the designated state affiliate of the United States Chess Federation (US Chess). The MSCA awards the official Minnesota State Champion Titles as recognized by US Chess.

The MSCA organizes and conducts chess tournaments that encourage interest in the game of chess and provide fellowship, education, and development for the chess players and members.


MSCA activities also include publication of the Minnesota Chess Journal, stewardship of the Minnesota Chess Hall of Fame, and overall maintenance of Minnesota’s chess history. (Publication of the journal is on hold but we regularly post news!)

The MSCA is a non-profit organization with a volunteer Board of Directors.

For all inquiries, please send us an email:

Board Meetings

Meetings are held monthly. Schedule is posted on the home page. Everyone is welcome to attend.

MSCA Board

Other Positions

Mike Benson


John Bartholomew

Vice President

Tim Radermacher


Sean Nagle


Scott Carpenter

Tech Coordinator

Sandeep Jain

Special Ops 🥷

Jackson Wahl

Scholastic Coordinator​

Ed Bourgeois

Outreach Coordinator​

Nels Truelson

Hall of Fame Committee Chair

🗒️ Meeting Minutes


⭐️ Annual Member Meeting at Minnesota Open

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